
weird sex thing

Today when I woke up I was crying. But I don't know why. It might have had something to do with what I was dreaming (not that I remember what it was that I was dreaming), but I think it probably had more to do with the fact that I had to wake up. I think I was happy to be dreaming, I think being unconscious was better than being awake; I think being awake was the nightmare.

Or it could have been Donaghy chewing on my toes.

Yeah, don't ask me. He's a weird ball of lint.

No one here wears shoes anymore, because we're inside and it gets hot enough without wearing unnecessary articles of clothing. Let me tell you, when a bunch of sweaty people are all cooped up in the same place for an extended period of time, you start to get pretty damn grateful for extra changes of clothes. It keeps the body odour factor down. And we've got this water-recycling system set up, so, we can't exactly do laundry every day, but we do manage communal loads about once every three weeks. Some people still wear socks, I don't know why, I guess they're embarrassed by their feet. I'm not one of them. I mean, feet are weird looking no matter what you do to them - why bother hiding your weirdness? Especially now.

So I was sleeping with my bare toes exposed, and I guess Donaghy thought they looked tasty, because when I woke up he was gnawing on them.

"Is this some weird sex thing?" I asked him.

"Does you asking me that mean you want to have sex with me?"

Donaghy looked pretty hopeful, so I took particular delight in saying, "I'd let zombies eat my brain first." Which, y0u know, actually quite valid in our situation.

He gave one last tentative nibble on my littlest toe on my right foot; I kicked him in the head with my left foot. He went oomph and rolled over and stared up at the ceiling of the bunker and started giggling. He giggled his way into laughter and from laughter into hysterics, until he was curled up into a ball sobbing against his knees. He sounded like he had snot in his voice when he said, face still hidden, "They go for the eyes first."

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